Dice System

If your character attempts something they could fail at they need to determine wether they succeed or not. Roll a d6 and add the points of the ability that fits the situation the most. For example Strength for attacking with your fists, Agility for doging a bullet, Will for doing maths and Empathy for lying. The Game Forger can silently and adequatly determines a value that needs to be reached for the character to be successful or not. If another creature is actively opposing to the characters activity they can roll their own dice and add a fitting ability to determine the value.
Character Creation

Concept, Appearence, Abilities, Equipment Traits

The base concept of your character defining their backstory and most often also future.

How your character looks, special bits and pieces

Physical Abilities - Strength, Agility
Mental Abilites - Will, Empathy

At character creation you gain a number of points (usually 6) that you can assign to the four abilities (maximum of 3 to one ability). For example: S:3, A:2, W:1, E:0 for a fighter or S:0, A:2, W:2, E:2 for a reporter

Your belongings

Special traits of your character like magic or psionics, a dark gift or jedi powers. A trait can manifest as a special new ability that gains an appropriate amount of points or an openly worded feature like magical spells.
Game Forger

Theme, World, Group, Activity


Physique and Will (Roll 3d6). To succeed 1d20 roll equal to or under skill. Physique is running, lifting, fighting, etc. Will is lying, spellcasting, maths, etc.

Loose 1 Physique on physical or magical attack or 1 Will on social or magical attack. Amount can be increased with items/traits. When 0 character dies. Regain lost points on rest.

Character has 3 traits/items.
Example items: armor (physical attacks gain +2), sword (+1 physical damage), spyglass +4 Will when observing), ration (faster rest)
Example traits: Magic (-5 Will to achieve anything, +1 when doing same thing repeatredly until -0), Psionics (Will on lifting), Professional (+4 on things with profession)